New year, new projects!

With 2023 underway, it’s time to check in with our authors and upcoming projects!

The big news is that Adventure Worlds Press is putting together a tenth-anniversary anthology! Since AWP began with short stories, we thought a collection would be a cool way to celebrate a decade of writing and publishing genre fiction. Although it’s still pretty early in the process, we’ll be posting more about it in the coming months.

In the meantime, Ben Van Dongen is knee-deep in edits on his Invasion Novel. He continues to post weekly updates and thoughts about writing on his long-standing blog. If you checked in on him right now, you’d probably find him listening to music and typing away on a new short story!

Christian Laforet a.k.a. C.M. Forest had a stellar year for publishing, with his horror novella and novel getting a lot of attention! You can expect to see some of his short stories in anthologies and magazines, and stay tuned for some exciting projects in the works.

Brittni Brinn is editing a novel while taking a bit of a writing break after the release of Where Long Shadows End. Watch for a short story coming out from her in the summer!

This year, AWP is once again going to be venturing out to book events and conventions near you! The details are up on our Events page. Come say hi!

Thanks to all of our readers for the incredible support this past year. We’re proud of the books we put out and are looking forward to having something new for you to read very soon!