New year, new projects!

With 2023 underway, it’s time to check in with our authors and upcoming projects!

The big news is that Adventure Worlds Press is putting together a tenth-anniversary anthology! Since AWP began with short stories, we thought a collection would be a cool way to celebrate a decade of writing and publishing genre fiction. Although it’s still pretty early in the process, we’ll be posting more about it in the coming months.

In the meantime, Ben Van Dongen is knee-deep in edits on his Invasion Novel. He continues to post weekly updates and thoughts about writing on his long-standing blog. If you checked in on him right now, you’d probably find him listening to music and typing away on a new short story!

Christian Laforet a.k.a. C.M. Forest had a stellar year for publishing, with his horror novella and novel getting a lot of attention! You can expect to see some of his short stories in anthologies and magazines, and stay tuned for some exciting projects in the works.

Brittni Brinn is editing a novel while taking a bit of a writing break after the release of Where Long Shadows End. Watch for a short story coming out from her in the summer!

This year, AWP is once again going to be venturing out to book events and conventions near you! The details are up on our Events page. Come say hi!

Thanks to all of our readers for the incredible support this past year. We’re proud of the books we put out and are looking forward to having something new for you to read very soon!

Adventure on the Horizon

frontWhile we here at Adventure Worlds Press eagerly await the release of Where Long Shadows End, the newest Patch Project book from author Brittni Brinn, we’ve started to look to the future. With The Patch Project Series ending and no Synthetic Albatross book to look forward to, we started to wonder what we’re going to do for next year.

We’ve been hotly discussing our options and right now, the front-runner is a new short story collection. We love No Light Tomorrow, but we can be honest. It’s a little last week and having only two authors in an Anthology is thinking small. Continue reading

Sneak Peek at Book Three of The Patch Project Series

Hey everyone, it’s Brittni Brinn taking over the blog today! I’m super excited to give you a sneak peek of Book Three of the Patch Project Series published by the fine folks here at Adventure Worlds Press! The book is called Where Long Shadows End, and we’ll be announcing a release date any time now!

Before I share the Prologue with you, I just want to take a second to thank everyone who’s entered the Fan Art contest so far! If you want to join this friendly creative contest, just post something based on the Patch Project series to social media with the hashtag #ThePatchProjectFanArtContest by June 30th. You could win one of the first copies of Book Three! You can find all the details here.

Here’s the opening to Where Long Shadows End! Hope you enjoy!


Isak looked around, disoriented. He was standing outside, facing a burned-up ridge that spilled out onto a flatline plain. The huge red sun hung heavy over the wasteland.

Had he skipped forward? Why? He tried to remember where he had just been, but came up empty. The desire was usually so strong when he jumped through time. Barely a second to blink between the wanting and the having. The curse of instant gratification.

Isak shifted his weight from his bad leg. Something snapped underfoot. Startled, he caught his balance and then froze. The broken, charred board was familiar. 

“Hello?” His cry echoed, no walls or trees to contain it. Sunset tinged the burned ruins around him red.

He knew this place. He recognized the board, part of a dining table he’d sat at hundreds of times. He knew that the square-cut logs sticking up around him used to support a two-story restaurant in the middle of a vast forest. He knew that he was alone and that everyone he loved was gone.

Before all that he knew could fully register, Isak heard distant footsteps coming up behind him. “What did I want?” he racked his brain as the footsteps drew closer. “What brought me here?”

The footsteps were right behind him. Isak caught a glimpse of a white streak in dark hair as someone familiar passed by. They continued for a couple of steps and then stopped, their back to him. They wore a leather jacket, mud-splattered jeans, hiking boots—nothing particularly significant. Maybe it was the way they stood with their hands deep in their pockets that gave them away. In addition to all the other things he recognized about this place, Isak recognized her.

“How long has it been?” he asked.

She stared beyond the ruins of Ulway’s Restaurant and Retreat Centre, out towards the wasteland. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” Pinot finally said, turning her ageless face towards him. “For everything to be over?”

Snow from a Distant Sky is now Available

20220414_161444_hdrThe time to get your copy of Snow from a Distant Sky is now!

The fifth and final* book in The Synthetic Albatross Novella Series answers your burning questions and offers up a few more.

Copies are available to order from your preferred book seller and you can leave reviews on your favourite book reviewing site.

I have a small run on the way for local sales. They will be available at Biblioasis and I may bring a few around to your houses if you’re that keen. Let me know!

*(Final for now. I hope to get back to the series in the future).

Cover Reveal – Snow from a Distant Sky

Snow Cover TextI know some of you have been waiting for this. I’m thrilled to share the cover for the latest book in The Synthetic Albatross Novella Series! Snow from a Distant Sky is scheduled to come out in April.

I have sample copies on the way so as long as there are no issues, I will put in an order and the book will be released to the public. Glen Hawkes, who did the amazing covers for Broadcast Wasteland and Break/Interrupt, crushed it again with this cover! Check out his other work here.

I’ll make another post when the book is available. This is the last book in The Synthetic Albatross Series for now. Thanks to all the readers who’ve come along with me on the journey. Stay tuned for information on what I’m working on next!

Snow Banner

Holiday Greetings!

It’s that time of year again! Lights, snow, hot chocolate, and books for everyone! We at Adventure Worlds Press want to wish you all a wonderful holiday and a hope-filled new year.

It’s been a kind of weird year for us: few to no book events to go to, uncertainty with what the months ahead will bring. But there was a lot to celebrate too! Christian Laforet started using a pen name, Ben Van Dongen released Break/Interrupt, and Brittni Brinn moved to Nova Scotia, all while working on upcoming projects!

[Image description: Eight books by Adventure Worlds Press are arranged on a green tablecloth accented by a red tablecloth set with a small Christmas tree made out of wire and beads and a painted wooden accent of a heart and a candy cane.]

2022 is going to be busy with releases from all of our authors. Keep an eye out for:

Christian’s upcoming releases with Eerie River Publishing and Timber Ghost Press

The release of Snow from a Distant Sky, the fifth book in Ben’s Novella Series

News on the third book in Brittni’s Patch Project series

And more!

Thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm for our books this year. It means a lot, and we’re looking forward to what the new year will bring!

Happy holidays!

Happy Halloween from Adventure Worlds Press

They say that no news is good news. They also say that there’s no such thing as bad press. We’re not sure who THEY are (we’re not even that sure if the those sayings are all that accurate).
What we do know is that the AWP authors are hard at work on their latest projects. Not that we have much to share about them.

We made an update about what we’re working on in our last post and we don’t want to just repeat ourselves. You can check it out for more details.

cover-finalOne thing that we are sure about is that we here at AWP love Halloween. This spooky, scary time is perfect for reading a good horror book like Christian Laforet’s The Space Between Houses, or a dark sci-fi story like those found in No Light Tomorrow.

We would love to try and convince you that all our books are perfect for Halloween, but while we think you’d enjoy them no matter when you read them, Brittni Brinn’s post apocalyptic Patch Project books and Ben Van Dongen’s cyber punk inspired Synthetic Albatross series just aren’t scary enough. Not in the traditional sense.

Either way, we just wanted to say that we hope everyone who takes the time to check out this website (and hopefully our books) has a Happy Halloween.80367398_10156568917196389_1550900823590961152_o

No doubt Christian will be spending his evening taking his little ones out trick-or-treating. Brittni will probably be handing out candy to the neighbourhood children. And Ben will be in the basement, hiding from the ghost that he accidentally summoned last Halloween.

Keep an eye out for some future updates on what new books will be coming out in 2022, and stay spooky!

Sneak Peek!

With summer coming to a sweltering end (we’re not sure about your neck of the woods, but ours is hot!), and fall around the corner, we figured now would be as good a time as any to pull back the curtain and give you all a sneak peek at some future AWP releases!

Actual release dates are still up in the air, but we expect both of the following titles to launch next year. So stay tuned!

First up, we have the newest entry in Ben Van Dongen‘s amazing science fiction novella series, Snow from a Distant Sky!

Continue reading

Coming Soon – Break/Interrupt

Ben here.

20200419_115528I’m working hard on the last edit of Break/Interrupt before I start on the layout and send the book off to the printer. I have two weeks to get it all wrapped up before my self imposed deadline (and before I miss out on the discount at the printer).

I should have plenty of time to get it finished in time (if I’m at all to be trusted). The plan is (similarly as the other novellas in the series) to order copies within the first week of April. I’m not sure how long it will take to get them to me. Last year there was a delay due to the pandemic, but it wasn’t too bad. I had Broadcast Wasteland in hand well before the end of the month.

20200418_131556I expect things will be similar this year. Thankfully, as soon as the book is approved with the printer, it is available to order and therefore, technically released. The prices fluctuate wildly online (at least in Canada) so I’m sure most people will be interested in getting the book directly from me. I haven’t made a decision on distribution yet, but that will be all sorted out by the time the books are delivered. (Because I won’t have much of a choice at that point).

I like to keep the cover under wraps until I know the books are on their way. There’s so much that can go wrong with the printing process that I have to resist jumping the gun. Even though Glen Hawkes really outdid himself this time. He did a great job with Broadcast Wasteland, so you can imagine how good this one is.

I won’t take up any more of your time for now. I’ll do another post when the book is out (showing off that amazing cover). I’m really excited for this one. I hope you are, too!

Happy New Year from AWP!

80367398_10156568917196389_1550900823590961152_oHello fine readers. Happy New Year from us at Adventure Worlds Press!

Together, we managed to get through a tough year and we’ll keep striving forward in 2021! We hope you had some good moments that you can hold tightly. We sure did.

While we weren’t able to attend any events for the majority of 2020, we did manage to put our collective noses to the grind stone and get some down and dirty writing done.

Christian got several short stories published in a number of collections, wrote the first draft of a literary fiction novel, and continued to edit his latest horror book.

Brittni Brinn released her latest sci-fi novella, A Place That Used to Be, and finished the first draft on her new sci-fi novel.

Ben Van Dongen finished the first draft of his own sci-fi novel and is in the middle of editing the latest book in The Synthetic Albatross series, Break/Interrupt.

120108498_4451387658266981_1926075961421334201_oWe plan on having new books to share with you this year. While it may be some time until we can have physical release parties and get out to events across the province, we will continue to work and experiment in the virtual space.

Hang in there and do what we do when things get tough. Read genre fiction (especially the quality books released by Adventure Worlds Press).